For Pharmacies

Your pharmacy and Nexus Prescriptions

NexusMed is a private-sector alternative to the EPS. If your pharmacy has not received a prescription from NexusMed before, we highly encourage you to read our dispensing guide and optionally sign the SOP.

About Nexus Prescriptions

Private practitioners use NexusMed to create electronic prescriptions that comply with Section 219 of The Human Medicines Regulations 2012 (opens in a new tab).

This means you do not require a paper copy in the post as they follow the UK regulatory standard for implementing electronic prescriptions.

Patient use

Patients are contacted following their consultation and given an electronic prescription with a unique dispensing token.

With this token, they can grant any pharmacy access to their prescription for the purpose of checking it and dispensing it if appropriate.

Pharmacy access

If a patient has presented you with their token, you can use this code to retrieve their prescription. After dispensing their items, you click the button "Mark as dispensed" in order to lock the prescription from being used elsewhere. You can access the prescription from here (opens in a new tab).


We're here to help with any problems regarding a prescription. Contact live support (opens in a new tab)

Who do I charge for the prescription?

Simply charge the patient how you normally would under your organisation's policy. We don't take a commission.

Can these be accepted in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland?

Nexus Prescriptions are legally valid throughout the United Kingdom because they are private electronic prescriptions regulated under Section 219 of The Human Medicines Regulations 2012 (opens in a new tab).