
Verification of Nexus Prescriptions

Verification is a vital component. NexusMed prioritises safety over convenience and this means all prescribers are tied to a trusted identity with qualified registrations.

Identity assurance

NexusMed implements Identity Assurance Level 3 (IAL 3) - the highest level of confidence. Prescribers and their qualifications are confirmed through government documentation, facial verification and continuous monitoring of official registers.

Cryptographic proof

NexusMed takes verification a step further by introducing cryptography (opens in a new tab) to verify its data. We use mathematics to prove that a Nexus Prescription is a genuine copy and that it has not been created externally or subsequently altered.

By default, all prescriptions and their dispensing histories are stored in an offline tamper-evident log (opens in a new tab).

This gives us the robust verification used by blockchains, but without the disadvantages of blockchain technology (slow performance, lack of support for GDPR compliance, risks of quantum decryption attacks if public). As well as internal compliance advantages, this also enables external verification and auditing.